Thursday, April 16, 2009

Naxalites indoors, Taliban at the door

A few questions -

- If 150 out of 600 districts in India are Naxalite ridden, what has participative democracy done for those who are violently wrecking the status quo? Who is answerable?

- If we see Naxalite insurgency as one of the main concerns to India's peace and progress why is there such asymmetrical response even in contiguous states e.g. Orissa and Chhattisgarh?

- If a handful of violent criminals can strike at will, why is an aircraft carrier a priority over police modernisation ?

- Is Law and order as a state subject a holy cow?

- Is there any national policy on disaffection and disruptive extremism within India? how many more examples of utter chaos will we need for our mass media to focus on heartland India rather than Lahore and Swat ?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with u... Its time if we can take even 1% of our defense budget and allocate the same towards internal modernization of Police... Im sure we all have heard stories of villages, where people sleep with open doors to their houses, cause they have never heard of any robberies or misconducts.. Why? cause the village had a proper police system and force..

    lastly if our police can be upgraded and given powers, then we can also control the so called moral policing hooligans, who are practicing religious talibanisation...
