Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hey Ram !

The White Anglo Saxon Protestant elites have always had a very purposeful but academic approach to destroying icons of the rest of humanity.

It is no longer Imperialistic propaganda, I suppose, but to destroy self respect amongst the shoppers in a ‘new market’ means only your own labels will be worthy of purchase at irrationally high prices. That is why an adoring shopper community exists in the form of a Commonwealth and a Francophone Africa.

The members of this tribe of paid reviewers, pontificators and ‘objective’ academicians have chosen to exclusively pick the most controversial parts, sans context and sine caveat.

Gandhi never claimed to be a paragon of virtues.

His life is story of two struggles – One against the British Imperialists and the other within himself against his mortal limitations. But when the slanderers play up the bits about Gandhi's sexual experiments they smartly exclude the fact that they were, in his judgment, tests of his personal vow of celibacy.

Gandhi was a naturalist who felt salt aggravates the sexual desires but their problem is that he gave the British rulers hypertension when he cut salt revenues in their diet of greed.

Say what you like about Gandhi, his report card is one of distinction. A sum greater than its parts.

Was Gandhi bi-sexual? Hmm -- well that's a new one. What I don’t get is how that is relevant to what he accomplished? One can see that to slander a major divinity of the Indian Pantheon (our deification kept aside for a moment) will serve to make Indians feel small. And to make them feel small is vastly profitable.

My argument is that there continues to be a purposeful attempt to slander, demonize or trivialize Asian and African heroes be it Gandhi, Mao, Nkrumah, Sukarno or Nasser. One was a murderer, another a garrulous drunk, one didn’t brush his teeth and yet another one was a debauch and so on.

The nub of the issue is how Gandhi managed to appeal to so many and how did he become such a central figure in the Indian independence struggle ? Well we will create scandal now if we couldn’t dare do it when the man was alive seems to be the driving motive. Hence wide publicity to the fact that he had amorous references to Vaseline in his letters to a German Jewish Bodybuilder . Of course that is decidedly a more engaging fact and a huge window to his personality. Low Trash !

Gandhi was a human being replete with flaws. In a sense he was a proud accomplishment of the Industrial revolution - A silent revolution machine which , with lesser effort , produced vast effects . The true Western Oligarchs hate him because he beat them at their own game. So when he refers to Kaffirs it is concluded that he was a racist but no one is questioning the system that kept apartheid alive till the end of this Millennium. No one ever conducted an inquiry into the prime collaborators who aided and perpetuated British loot in India.

Gandhi was a doer not an adapter. He was a perpetual learner through the course of his life. His humility, truthfulness and belief in non-violence are indisputable.
I am sure these academicians will discover that Einstein too had some deep Freudian motivations to say "Generations to come will scarcely believe that such a one as this in flesh and blood ever walked upon this earth."

Alas, the Western dons choose to only talk of the flesh